이스라엘 (Israel)

이스라엘, 1기당 9천6백만$ 에 F-35 Lightning II 20대 구입...

TRENT 2010. 8. 16. 11:01


앞서 이스라엘의 F-35 구입과 관련된 소식을 전한 바 있습니다.


마침 이스라엘 국방장관이 공식적으로 美 Lockheed Martin 社의 F-35 Ligtning II 전투기 20대 구매 절차를 진행하도록 지시

하였다는 이스라엘 Haaretz 紙 기사를 소개합니다.


당초 이스라엘이 75~100대 규모로 구입할 것이라는 예상과는 달리 20대를 총액 약 27억5천만불로 도입하는 계획이며, 초도

기는 2015년 도입될 예정이라 합니다. 물론 이스라엘의 F-35 도입은 이번 20대로 끝나지는 않을 것으로 생각합니다.


그동안 이스라엘과 미국측이 F-35 도입 협상과정에서 첨예하게 대립하여 왔던 이스라엘 자국産 전자전 및 항전장비에 대한

장착은 이번 1차분에는 적용이 안되는 것으로 알려지고 있습니다. 이 역시 추가 도입분 부터는 장착 가능성이 있는 것으로

보도하고 있습니다.


한편 Barak 이스라엘 국방장관이 언급한 바에 의하면, F-35 1기당 가격은 9천6백만불 (약 1,150억원) 이라 하며, 그외 각종

훈련과 정비 그리고 지원장비 등이 포함되어 있다고 합니다.


현재까지 정확히 F-35 의 어떤 모델이라고는 공식적으로 언급되지 않았지만, 이스라엘 공군이 도입하고 위 가격으로 판단

하자면, F-35A CTOL 형으로 판단됩니다.




Published 00:4116.08.10 Latest update 00:4116.08.10

Defense Minister Barak approves purchase of 20 F-35 fighters for around $2.75 billion

Haaretz.com, By Anshel Pfeffer


Defense Minister Ehud Barak gave the go-ahead yesterday for the purchase of 20 F-35 fighter jets in a deal valued at around $2.75 billion. The first planes are expected to arrive in 2015.


The Israel Air Force, however, will have to make do with considerably fewer planes than the 75 originally sought. The entire deal will be funded by American military aid and still needs the cabinet's approval.


"The F-35 is the fighter plane of the future that will allow Israel to maintain its aerial superiority and its technological advantage in the region," Barak said. "The F-35 will give the IAF better capabilities, both near and far, to help strengthen Israel's national security."


Negotiations dragged on for more than two years amid several disagreements; many revolved around the IAF's demands that Israeli-made systems be installed for specialties such as electronic warfare and communications. Israel also wanted to expand the plane's capacity to allow it to carry Israeli-made missiles.


The Americans declined, however, insisting that the deal was a "closed package" and none of the components could be altered.


In any case, the F-35 will give the IAF outstanding radar-dodging capabilities that allow preemptive strikes against enemy states with advanced air defense technologies.


In a bid to maintain Israel's technological gap ahead of Arab states, the F-35 deal was pushed through instead of upgrading the air force's F-15s and F-16s. This approach sticks to the principle that Israel is the first country in the Middle East to receive the newest fighter aircraft.


The IAF was sufficiently committed to this principle to override protests from the leaders of Israeli defense contractors, who claimed that the deal was damaging them.


The package also got by opposition from a number of members of the General Staff who criticized the high price of the deal, which does not allow for investment into weapons for the land forces and navy.


Two weeks ago, Barak and Defense Ministry Director-General Udi Shani visited the United States and met with senior officials in the Pentagon, as well as representatives of Lockheed Martin, to discuss the purchase.


They agreed that Israel would begin by buying a first squadron of 20 F-35 jets from the first production series. It would only install a few Israel-made systems. The Americans, meanwhile, have agreed that if Israel buys more F-35 squadrons from later production series, the installation of more Israeli-made systems will be allowed.


To sweeten the deal, Lockheed Martin said it would buy parts and systems for the F-35 from Israeli companies at a cost of $4 billion.


The total price tag confirmed by Barak indicates that each plane costs about $96 million, with further expenses on training, simulators, spare parts and the building of maintenance infrastructure.


Shani said that apart from the jet's operational capacity, a significant factor in closing the deal included previous agreements on integrating Israeli defense contractors in producing the jet for other clients.



  F-35A Lightning II (AF-02) ⓒ Lockheed Martin