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스웨덴 공군 (Flygvapnet), SAAB Gripen NG 구입계획...

TRENT 2010. 6. 14. 17:23


스웨덴 Saab 社가 개발하고 있는 JAS 39 Gripen NG (Next Generation) 전투기를 스웨덴 공군 (Flygvapnet) 이 도입할 것

이라는 소식입니다. 사실 그동안 스웨덴 공군은 자국 기업 Saab 가 개발하고 있는 Gripen NG 에 대한 도입 의사를 공식적

으로 밝힌 적은 없었습니만, 지난 주 스웨덴 국방장관이 한 모임 (conference) 에서 Gripen NG 구입 가능성을 언급했다는



JAS 39E/F 라는 내수용 제식명으로 도입 시기는 2017~2018년으로 예상을 한다고 합니다. 개인적인 판단으로 도입물량은,

2040년까지 Gripen NG 를 운용한다고 할 경우 최대 40대는 넘지 않을 것으로 보입니다.


한편 아래 글에는 Gripen NG 가 현재까지 152회의 시험비행을 마쳤다는 소식과 인도 MRCA 사업에서의 시험비행 소식도

언급되어 있습니다.





A Defense Technology Blog 

New Gripen Firms Up

Posted by Bill Sweetman at 6/14/2010 1:05 AM CDT 


According to Saab executives, the decision to go ahead with the Gripen Next Generation has already been taken by the Swedish government.


If Saab wins one or more of the upcoming fighter competitions with Brazil and Switzerland among those closest to a decision date it will affect the timing of Sweden's own deployment of the Gripen NG, already identified by the Swedish military as the JAS 39E/F. But the decision to acquire the fighter has already been taken, according to head of Gripen marketing and campaigns Hans Rosen.


"Sweden has committed itself to using the Gripen beyond 2040," Rosen said at Malmen air base on Saturday. "The question is when to acquire the Gripen NG, and how many." The basic program calls for the new variant to enter service in 2017-18, but Sweden has told export customers that it will adjust its schedule so that Sweden deploys the JAS 39E/F before they do.


Rosen's comments on the future of the Gripen in Sweden echoed remarks made by defense minister Sten Tolgfors at a top-level air power conference held at Malmen on Friday. Tolgfors noted that the modernization of the Gripen force is proceeding according to plan, with the conversion of a final batch of 31 JAS 39A models to 39C standard, leaving the air force with a smaller force of 100 fighters. The next step will see all these aircraft modernized to a common configuration known as Materiel Standard 20, already under contract.


The MS 21 configuration is being defined but it is now clear that MS 21 is in fact the NG, with the new General Electric F414G engine, modified airframe, Selex Galileo active electronically scanned array radar and new core avionics. It is understood that development is being quietly funded by the Swedish government.


The Demo prototype had completed 152 flight test sorties as of Saturday, Rosen said, and completed a successful demonstration in India in May (the company previously performed demonstrations with the C/D version in India) including a successful landing and restart at the Leh airfield in Kashmir, 10,800 feet above sea level. It is currently testing new external stores and will then enter a lay-up period for avionics updates.



  Swedish Air Force JAS 39C Gripen ⓒ FlightGlobal


  Swedish Air Force JAS 39D Gripen ⓒ FlightGlobal


  RTAF JAS 39D Gripen ⓒ SAAB