기타 국가

Zeltweg Air Power 2011, Typhoon 전투기의 시범 비행

TRENT 2011. 7. 15. 23:39


7월초 유럽 Austria 중남부 도시 Zeltweg 에서 개최된 Zeltweg Air Power 2011 에서 Austria 공군 소속

Eurofighter Typhoon 전투기가 기동 시범 비행을 실시하는 모습 입니다.


Zeltweg Air Power 는 Austria 에서 격년제로 개최되는 최대 규모의 항공에어쇼 이며, 올해에는 독일과

사우디아라비아 공군 소속 Eurofighter Typhoon 전투기들이 참가하였습니다. 특히 사우디아라비아의

경우, 2대의 Typhoon 전투기들이 영국 BAE Systems 서 제작을 완료하고, 사우디아라비아로 인도

되는 과정에서 참가한 바 있습니다.


아래 태그에서 Zeltweg Air Power 로 들어가면 앞서 소개한 관련 사진들을 참조하실 수 있습니다.


끝으로 금주에 발행된 AW&ST 에 소개된 Austria 공군의 Typhoon 전투기 성능개량 기사 전문도 함께

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또한 아래 소개하는 사진들은 지난 5월초 터키 대통령이 오스트리아 방문시, 오스트리아 공군 Typhoon

공중호위를 하는 모습 입니다.




Almost There

Aviation Week & Space Technology, 07/11/2011

Author : Robert Wall


The Austrian Eurofighter Typhoon fleet is undergoing a major modernization effort to finally bring the aircraft to its full operational capability standard.


The nation’s first Typhoon has now been upgraded to the service-release program (SRP) 4.3 standard the latest level for Tranche 1 Typhoons. The entire fleet should be upgraded during the next 18-24 months, a rate that could be accelerated; but given the small fleet of 15 fighters, a larger turnover could leave operational units short of aircraft, says Ioannis Papachristofilou, vice president of the Eurofighter Austria program.


SRP 4.3 involves stripping equipment out of the fighter and returning it to suppliers for a software update before reintegration. Radios, the GPS and IFF (identification, friend or foe) transponder also are being improved. Later, the entire fighter will receive a big software update. Papachristofilou notes that the effort here melds two upgrade steps into one.


The flying-hour program also is increasing to 1,500 hr. per year from 1,200 hr. by around 2015, says Brig. Gen. Rupert Stadlhofer, head of airspace surveillance for the Austrian armed forces. Austria hopes the increase will also yield reduced flying costs, which Stadlhofer estimates at €50,000 ($71,500) per hour based on a 1,100-flight-hour program per year. The direct aircraft operating flying-hour costs are €15,000, says Papachristofilou, and there is a commitment to further reduce that figure.


Austrian air force Typhoon pilots fly 70-80 hr. annually, with the goal of increasing that to 110 hr. Austria also has signed a new in-service support contract that has cut the price by 30% over the 2007-11 agreement. Papachristofilou says those are difficult savings to reach, with ambitious goals for the entire supply chain. The program includes incentive schemes, so when suppliers over-deliver, they can book some of the savings.


The introduction of Link-16 Multifunction Information Distribution System terminals is also under way. This was due to happen earlier, but Stadlhofer says the plan was revised to better fit the stand-up of operational capabilities in the military.


In parallel, the Austrian government is expected to decide this year how to handle its long-term jet trainer needs. The country has been looking for ways to handle future training requirements, since the Saab 105 now in service is aging.


Three options are being considered. one is to acquire a new training aircraft, with a second being to pursue an upgrade and life extension of the Saab 105 fleet. A third option would be to eliminate that phase of training in-house and instead send pilots to Italy to undergo training there.



  ⓒ 2011 Eurofighter Typhoon


  ⓒ 2011 Eurofighter Typhoon


  ⓒ 2011 Eurofighter Typhoon


  ⓒ 2011 Eurofighter Typhoon


  ⓒ 2011 Eurofighter Typhoon


  ⓒ 2011 Eurofighter Typhoon