일본 (Japan)

쓰나미 피해를 입은 일본 항공자위대 F-2B 전투기 소식

TRENT 2011. 3. 19. 23:34


3월 11일 오후 일본 동북 지방에 발생한 쓰나미로 인해 피해를 입은 일본 항공자위대 (JASDF, Japan Air

Self-Defense Force) Matsushima 기지 주둔 F-2B 훈련기 소식 입니다.


Matsushima 기지에는 JASDF 조종사들의 훈련을 담당하는 제4비행단이 주둔하고 있으며, 제4비행단은

Mitsubishi F-2B 훈련기로 구성된 21훈련비행대대와 공중곡예시범 비행팀 Blue Impulse (11비행대대)

가 배속되어 있습니다.


아래 AW&ST 3월 18일字 기사에 의하면, 당일 발생한 지진으로 기지에 불어닥친 쓰나미의 높이가 33 ft

(약 10 m) 에 이르러, 21대대 소속 F-2B 기들은 전량 사용불능으로 보도하고 있습니다.


한편 이번에 발생한 동일본 대지진으로 인해 일본이 진행하고 있는 F-X 사업 역시 일정의 차질이 불가피

할 것으로 예상하고 있다는 내용 입니다. 당초 3월에 F-X 관련 RFP 를 발행할 계획이었으나, 대지진으로

인해 방위성의 F-X 사업 RFP 는 연기될 것으로 예상하고 있습니다.


끝으로 이번 Matsushima 기지의 21대대 소속 F-2B 훈련기 전량의 사용불능은 향후 JASDF 조종사들의

전술 입문 훈련에 상당한 타격을 가져올 것으로 판단되며, 향후 일본 방위성과 JASDF 가 어떠한 계획을

발표할지 지켜봐야 할 것으로 보입니다. 


(※ 글 제목에는 전투기로 표기하고, 글 내용에서는 F-2B 명칭을 훈련기로 사용한 점 참조바랍니다.) 




Tsunami Damages Squadron Of Mitsubishi F-2s

AW&ST, Mar 18, 2011

By Leithen Francis, leithen_francis@aviationweek.com



Japan’s ministry of defense is investigating whether it can repair the 18 Japan Air Self-Defense Force (JASDF) Mitsubishi F-2 fighters that were damaged by seawater from the March 11 tsunami.


The JASDF’s Matsushima air base in Miyagi prefecture, near the epicenter of Japan’s 9.0 magnitude earthquake, was inundated with seawater from the resulting tsunami, damaging the F-2s and a number of other aircraft, possibly permanently, says Japan’s ministry of defense (MOD). The JASDF ordered a total of 98 F-2s, of which four were left to be delivered as of early March.


The damaged F-2s were all two-seaters and formed a trainer squadron, says a source familiar with the situation. Some were parked on the flight-line and some were inside hangars, but all were damaged by the seawater, the source says. Local news reports say the tsunami that ravaged northeast Japan had waves as high as 33 ft.


“MOD doesn’t know yet if the aircraft can be repaired but it will be difficult to repair because the cockpit and engines were soaked,” the source says. “The priority right now for MOD is the relief effort so we won’t know for a while” whether the aircraft can be repaired, the source adds.


Japan also is grappling with potential nuclear fallout from a power plant damaged by the earthquake and tsunami. This has meant that Japan’s MOD is unlikely to issue a request for proposals (RFP) in March for FX fighters, industry executives say. Japan plans to order 50 fighters to replace its fleet of aging McDonnell Douglas F-4s.


Prior to the earthquake, industry executives had been saying that Japan’s MOD was working to issue the RFP in March. Shigeru Iwasaki, JASDF air staff chief, also told Aviation Week on March 3 that if no RFP was issued this month, it may cause problems because it means there may be too little time to consider proposals and make the recommendation for the procurement to be in Japan’s 2012 budget (Aerospace DAILY, March 3).


One industry executive says the JASDF and MOD are still working to try and issue the RFP in March, but ultimately it is up to the defense minister to make the announcement and issue the RFP. “But the minister is very busy with the relief effort,” the executive says.


Japanese authorities already have disclosed that there are six aircraft on the list for consideration: the Boeing F/A-18, Boeing F-15, Dassault Rafale, Eurofighter Typhoon, Lockheed Martin F-22 and Lockheed Martin F-35.