미국 (USA)/US DoD

大韓民國의 Global Hawk 고고도 무인정찰기 구입 소식

TRENT 2011. 3. 12. 17:34


3월 11일字 AW&ST on-line 기사로 보도된 대한민국의 RQ-4 Global Hawk 고고도 무인 정찰기 구입 소식

기사 입니다.


기사에 의하면, 韓·美 양국이 작년 MTCR (미사일 기술 통제 체제) 의 개정을 통해 4대의 Global Hawk 를

대한민국에 판매하기로 합의를 본 바 있으며, 금년 중으로 최종 발표를 할 것이라 합니다.


대한민국이 도입하게 될 RQ-4 Global Hawk 는 Block 30I 라 합니다. 알파벳 I 를 붙인 것은 수출형 임을

뜻하는 International 의 약자로 이해가 됩니다.


한편 기사를 참조하자면, 우리 대한민국은 Global Hawk 를 도입함에 있어 공중신호정보수집 즉 SIGINT

장비의 장착을 원하고 있으나, 美 정부는 영상정보수집 광학 장비만을 허용하고 SIGINT 장비는 제외하고

자 한다는 소식 입니다. 또한 탑재 장비에 대한 최종 결정은 아직 이루어지지 않았다고 합니다.


끝으로 Gloabl Hawk Block 30I 도입에 대한 최종 합의가 양국간에 이루어지면, 2014년 초도기가 인도될

것이라 합니다.


참고로 제작사 Northrop Grumman 이 제공하는 3장의 RQ-4 Global Hawk Block 30 사진을 첨부 합니다.




South Korea To Buy Global Hawk

AW&ST, Mar 11, 2011

By Robert Wall, Amy Butler


The U.S. and South Korea have reached a handshake agreement for the sale of the Global Hawk unmanned surveillance aircraft, according to program sources.


The sale, which could take place as soon as this year, will include four of the high-flying UAVs. Though the Global Hawk is designed to carry a variety of payloads, including imagery sensors, radars and signals intelligence collectors, South Korea has been approved for the Block 30I version, which includes an electro-optical/infrared system.


Seoul eventually would like a signals intelligence capability; but the U.S. is reluctant to sell its Airborne Signals Intelligence Payload, so a payload has not yet been selected for that requirement, a program source says.


First delivery is expected by 2014. Notification of the sale to Congress is expected soon.


Several countries in Asia have been interested in buying the Global Hawk, including Japan, South Korea and Singapore. A version of the Global Hawk is being developed for the German Luftwaffe’s signals intelligence collection demands, and NATO has selected the Block 40 platform to carry its next-generation Air-Ground Surveillance sensor. However, the range and payload capacity of the aircraft — nearly 3,000 lb. — subject it to the restrictions of the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR).


The State Department decided to waive the MTCR restrictions for the Global Hawk sale to South Korea after meetings between Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and their counterparts from Seoul last year, program sources say. South Korea became an MTCR signatory in 2005.


The U.S. Air Force is now crafting the details of the agreement; price has not been set.


The U.S. Air Force is buying the Global Hawk for imagery collection, signals intelligence and ground surveillance. The Navy is now developing a version for maritime surveillance, and Australia has expressed interest in this version despite its high price.


Two Global Hawks are now employing the Battlefield Airborne Communication Node relay payload out of Al Dhafra Air Base in the United Arab Emirates, along with Block 10 aircraft being used for surveillance of the seas and land.



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  ⓒ Northrop Grumman


  ⓒ Northrop Grumman