이스라엘 (Israel)

이스라엘 IAI 社의 Tilt-rotor UAV "Panther"...

TRENT 2010. 10. 11. 17:33


이스라엘 IAI (Israel Aerospace Industries) 社가 개발한 Tilt-rotor 수직이착륙 무인기 (UAV) "Panther" 관련 동영상과

사진들을 아래 소개 합니다.


지난 10월 5일, 이스라엘 현지에서 공개된 Panther 는 10월 25일부터 27일까지 미국 Washington, D.C. 에서 개최되는

AUSA 2010 을 통해 "Panther" 와 "Mini Panther" 를 공식적으로 공개할 예정이라 합니다.


아래 전문을 붙입니다만, IAI 社의 발표문을 참조하자면, "Panther" 는 약 60 km 의 작전반경에서 6시간 정도 체공할 수

있으며, 고도는 약 10,000 ft 까지 도달할 수 있다고 합니다. 또한 전체 무게는 약 65 kg 에 이른다 합니다,


한편 "Mini Panther" 는 이보다 소형으로 약 12 Kg 무게에 2시간 정도 체공 능력을 가지고 있다고 합니다.


일단 두 기종 모두 Tilt-rotor 기술을 이용한 수직이착륙 기능을 가진 UAV 라는 점으로써, 사단 및 여단, 그리고 연대급

에서 운용하기에는 매우 유용할 것 으로 생각됩니다. 즉 기존 무인기들이 가지고 있는 착륙시 그물망을 이용한다든가,

혹은 일정 면적의 공간을 필요로 하는 점을 고려한다면 말이죠.


AUSA 2010 을 통해 추가적으로 공개되는 "Panther" 와 "Mini Panther" 자료는 계속해서 소개 하겠습니다.




Israel Aerospace Industries to Unveil the "Panther"a New UAV for Tactical Missions- at 2010 Latrun Conference


Oct 4, 2010


Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) will unveil its new revolutionary tilt-rotor unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) for tactical missions, the Panther, at the Latrun Conference in Israel, October 5-7, 2010. The Panther will be exhibited for the first time internationally at the Association of the United States Army's (AUSA) 2010 Annual Meeting and Exposition in Washington D.C., October 25-27. This new line of UAVs includes also the "Mini Panther".


Based on extensive research and development and IAI's operational knowledge of the challenges of an advanced ground battlefield, the Panther combines the flight capabilities of an airplane with helicopter-like hovering, a tilt-rotor propeller, and a fixed wing vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) system, which enable a runway-free takeoff and landing on an unprepared area. The unique concept has been patented by IAI.


An innovative automatic flight control system controls the transitions between the hovering takeoff phase to forward flight and vice versa before landing. The Panther takes off and lands automatically by a simple click of the operator console, thus eliminating the need for an external pilot.


Itzhak Nissan, President and CEO of IAI, said: "The Panther's intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) capabilities, along with its effective use of changing flight dynamics, make it a unique and invaluable asset on the tactical battlefield for the Israel Defense Forces and for foreign customers. We consider the innovative technology used in this system to be ground-breaking."


With its 3 ultra-quiet electrical motors, the Panther, which weighs roughly 65 kg, can loiter for approximately 6 hours, at an altitude of up to 10,000 feet, with a radius of operation of over 60 km. The Panther UAV carries IAI's Mini-POP (Plug-in Optronic Payload) a day/night stabilized camera with a laser range finder, pointer or laser designator.


The Mini Panther, which weighs up to 12 kg, can loiter for approximately 2 hours, and carries IAI's Micro-POP.


The Panther control station, transported on a midsize vehicle, can store up to three aircraft, as well as the ground data link, the support equipment and spare parts, all of which allow the troops' autonomous operation on the field at a tactical level. Two operators control the mission using two fully redundant identical consoles.


The portable Mini Panther system includes 2 planes and a command and control unit, and is carried in backpacks by two soldiers.


Both platforms, designed to be entirely automatic, can be controlled by one operator, while the command and control station has two operators to control the station and oversee the mission. 


Prototypes of the Panther platform have conducted successful flight tests and will be operational by 2011.



  ⓒ Israel Aerospace Industries


  ⓒ Israel Aerospace Industries


  ⓒ Israel Aerospace Industries