美 Sikorsky 社가 개발 중인 X2 이중반전 동축로터 기술실증기가 9월 15일 최고속도 250 kt (약 460 km/h) 를 달성
했다는 소식 입니다. 앞서 X2 는 최고속도를 지난 5월 25일 181 kt, 7월 26일 225 kt 로 차례로 기록한 바 있습니다.
현재 EADS Eurocopter 社와 경쟁을 벌이고 있는 차세대 고속헬기 개발에서 Sikorsky 社가 다소 앞선 것으로 알려
지고 있는 가운데, 앞서 소개한 바 있는 초도비행을 성공적으로 실시한 Eurocopter X3/H3 와 함께 치열한 경쟁을
펼칠 것으로 보입니다.
여담입니다만 과연 고속철도와 헬기의 속도 경쟁에서 최종 승자는 누가 될지 궁금해 집니다. 현재 고속열차 상업
최대속도가 300~350 km/h 로 알려지고 있는 가운데, 현재 개발되고 있는 X2, X3 헬기의 개발이 완료되고, 또한
시속 400 km/h 이상의 차세대 고속열차가 개발된다면, 두 수송 장비간의 속도 경쟁은 치열할 것으로 보입니다.
Press Releases
Sikorsky X2 Technology™ Demonstrator Achieves 250-Knot Speed Milestone
September 15, 2010
The speed, reached during a 1.1-hour flight, is an unofficial speed record for a helicopter. The demonstrator also reached 260 knots in a very shallow dive during the flight.
“The aerospace industry today has a new horizon,” said Sikorsky President Jeffrey P. Pino. “The X2 Technology demonstrator continues to prove its potential as a game-changer, and Sikorsky Aircraft is proud to be advancing this innovative technology and to continue our company’s pioneering legacy.”
“Our primary key performance parameter has been met,” said Jim Kagdis, Program Manager for Sikorsky Advanced Programs. “The 250-knot milestone was established as the goal of the demonstrator from its inception. It’s exciting to imagine how our customers will use this capability.”
Kevin Bredenbeck, Sikorsky’s Director of Flight Operations and Chief Pilot for the company and for its X2 Technology program, manned the milestone flight. Bredenbeck said the demonstrator has been performing well, meeting expectations of performance predictions and progressing with every test flight.
“I’m proud of what the X2 Technology team has accomplished,” Bredenbeck said. “This was truly a collaborative effort that demanded a tremendous sacrifice from the full team. This dedication enabled the demonstrator to hit this historically high mark.”
The X2 Technology demonstrator combines an integrated suite of technologies intended to advance the state-of-the-art, counter-rotating coaxial rotor helicopter. It is designed to demonstrate that a helicopter can cruise comfortably at 250 knots while retaining such desirable attributes as excellent low-speed handling, efficient hovering, and a seamless and simple transition to high speed.
The X2 Technology program began in 2005 when Sikorsky first committed resources and full funding for the program’s development.
Mark Miller, Sikorsky Vice President of Research & Engineering, said: “The X2 Technology program is an initiative of our Sikorsky Innovations team, and today it offers a clear and exciting validation of our ability to take on the toughest challenges in vertical flight.”
1. 2010년 9월 15일 최고속도 250 kt (약 460 km/h) 시험비행 모습
ⓒ Sikorsky
2. 2010년 8월 17일 시험비행 모습
ⓒ Sikorsky
3. 2010년 7월 26일 최고속도 225 kt (약 417 km/h) 시험비행 모습
ⓒ Sikorsky
ⓒ Sikorsky
ⓒ Sikorsky
4. 2010년 5월 25일 최고속도 181 kt (약 335 km/h) 시험비행 모습
ⓒ Sikorsky
ⓒ Sikorsky
ⓒ Sikorsky
5. 2010년 5월 6일 시험비행 모습
ⓒ Sikorsky
ⓒ Sikorsky
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