유럽 EADS 계열 Eurocopter 社가 개발 중인 H3 (High-speed, long-range Hybrid Helicopter) 의 실증기 X3 의 초도비행이
9월 6일 프랑스 남부 Marseille 인근 Istres 공군기지에서 실시되었다는 소식 및 관련 자료들을 소개 합니다.
X3/H3 는 고속장거리-하이브리드 차세대 헬기로써 금년 중으로 최대속도 180 kt (약 330 km/h) 를 달성하고, 2011년 3월경
최종 목표인 시속 220 kt (약 400 km/h) 에 도전 한다고 제작사측은 밝혔습니다.
H3 는 Eurocopter 사가 개발 생산 중인 EC155 (AS365 Dauphin / AS565 Panther) 의 동체를 바탕으로 2개의 Turboshaft
엔진을 통해 5엽 주날개와 동체 좌우측에 각각 Propeller 를 채용한 차세대 고속 헬기입니다.
최근 경쟁 기종이라 할 수 있는 美 Sikorsky 社의 X2 가 최고속도 250 kt (약 460 km/h) 를 달성하였다는 보도가 있었습니다.
고속 헬기 개발에 있어서 치열한 경쟁을 벌이고 있는 兩社는 앞으로 개발 속도에 박차를 가할 것으로 판단됩니다.
Sikorsky X2 의 최근 소식은 별도로 소개 하겠습니다.
ⓒ Eurocopter
Flight testing of Eurocopter’s X3 high-speed hybrid helicopter demonstrator marks a new milestone in the company’s innovation roadmap
Eurocopter has begun test flights of the X3 demonstrator for its innovative High-speed, long-range Hybrid Helicopter (H3) concept, which combines excellent vertical takeoff and landing capabilities with fast cruise speeds of more than 220 kts.
The X3 demonstrator is equipped with two turboshaft engines that power a five-blade main rotor system and two propellers installed on short-span fixed wings. This creates an advanced transportation system offering the speed of a turboprop-powered aircraft and the full hover flight capabilities of a helicopter. The concept is tailored to applications where operational costs, flight duration and mission success depend directly on the maximum cruising speed.
A wide range of utilizations are envisaged for the H3 configuration, including long-distance search and rescue (SAR) missions, coast guard duties, border patrol missions, passenger transport and inter-city shuttle services. It also may be well-suited for military missions in special forces operations, troop transport, combat SAR and medical evacuation ― benefitting from the hybrid aircraft’s combination of higher cruise speeds with excellent vertical takeoff/landing performance.
“Innovation is at the core of Eurocopter’s strategy to continue its leadership in the global helicopter sector, and the X3 demonstrator represents a key element of our innovation roadmap,” said Lutz Bertling, Eurocopter’s President & CEO. “The teams at Eurocopter took this hybrid helicopter from concept to first flight in less than three years, which demonstrates their skills, capabilities and dedication to defining the future of rotary-wing aircraft.”
The X3 demonstrator’s first flight occurred September 6 in southern
About Eurocopter
Established in 1992, the Franco-German-Spanish Eurocopter Group is a Division of EADS, a world leader in aerospace, defence and related services. The Eurocopter Group employs approx. 15,600 people. In 2009, Eurocopter confirmed its position as the world’s No. 1 helicopter manufacturer in the civil and parapublic market, with a turnover of 4.6 billion Euros, orders for 344 new helicopters, and a 52 percent market share in the civil and parapublic sectors. Overall, the Group’s products account for 30 percent of the total world helicopter fleet. Its strong worldwide presence is ensured by its 18 subsidiaries on five continents, along with a dense network of distributors, certified agents and maintenance centres. More than 10,500 Eurocopter helicopters are currently in service with over 2,800 customers in more than 140 countries. Eurocopter offers the largest civil and military helicopter range in the world.
ⓒ Eurocopter
ⓒ Eurocopter
ⓒ Eurocopter
ⓒ Eurocopter
ⓒ Eurocopter
ⓒ Eurocopter
ⓒ Eurocopter
ⓒ Eurocopter
ⓒ Eurocopter
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