8월 3일 美 행정부가 오만에 대해서 FMS 방식에 의한 F-16 전투기와 관련장비 포함 총액 35억불에 이르는 수출 승인을 의회에
요청했다는 소식을 전한 바 있습니다. ---> Oman F-16
마침 이와 관련된 美 Texas, Fort Worth 에서 발행되는 지역 일간지 Star Telegram 紙에 관심이 가는 관련 기사가 있어 소개를
신조기 18대와 기존 12대의 성능개량을 포함하여 총액 35억불 규모라는 발표문으로 인해, F-16 신조기 가격이 예상외로 높다는
생각을 가졌으나, 아래 기사에 의하면, 여전히 F-16 Block 50/52 신조기의 가격대는 1기당 6천만불 내외인 것으로 설명하고 있
또한 美 의회의 승인이 떨어지고, 최종 계약에 이른다면, F-16 의 생산라인은 2014년 중반기 까지는 유지될 것이라 합니다.
물론 현재 진행되고 있는 인도의 MMRCA 사업에서의 성공여부 역시 F-16 생산라인을 2015년 이후까지 유지하는데 결정적
요소로 작용할 것으로 보입니다.
아래 Star Telegram 의 기사 전문을 소개합니다.
Lockheed's F-16 shows resilience as
Posted Wednesday, Aug. 04, 2010
By Bob Cox
Lockheed Martin will someday build the last F-16 fighter jet at its
Lockheed could be close to landing another foreign order for F-16s after the Defense Department notified Congress on Tuesday that the government of
It would be
Just a year ago Lockheed's F-16 order backlog was down to about 80 planes, and production was slated to end in 2012. But late last year,
"I think we're into 2013, and 18 F-16s for
The Block 50/52 model aircraft Lockheed is now building and delivering to most foreign customers is essentially on a par with the latest aircraft operated by the U.S. Air Force.
In addition to the 18 planes, at cost of $60 million each,
The Defense Security Cooperation Agency, which handles controlled weapons sales, said in its message to Congress that the proposed sale would not upset the military balance of power in the Middle East and would enable
Lockheed delivered 31 F-16s last year. It is building about two a month, with 11 delivered in the first six months of 2010.
Teal Group aerospace analyst Richard Aboulafia said it's conceivable that F-16 production could extend beyond 2015 or well beyond if a couple of large deals are consummated.
"If you adjust [the price] for inflation, the F-16 is an incredibly good deal," he said.
Lockheed is pressing
Sales of the F-35 joint strike fighter were supposed to have sealed the fate of the F-16, but years of delays and soaring cost estimates could keep the F-16 production line going.
"The most interesting thing is
He said
Bob Cox, 817-390-7723
Royal Air Force of Oman (RAFO) F-16D Block 50 (801/02-2115) ⓒ Lockheed Martin
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