호주 (Australia)

호주 MRH90 Helicopter, 비행 재개 소식...

TRENT 2010. 8. 3. 01:39


지난 4월말 발생한 호주 육군의 MRH90 헬기의 엔진 고장으로 인해, 호주 육군과 해군이 현재까지 도입, 운용 중인 총 11대의

MRH90 헬기들에 대해서 사고 원인이 밝혀질 때까지 비행 중지 결정을 내렸다는 소식을 전한 바 있습니다.  --->


ADF MRH90 Problems


그동안 MRH90 제작사 Eurocopter 社와 RTM332 엔진 제작社 Rolls-Royce/Turbomecca 그리고 호주 국방성 산하 DSTO

의 공동 조사 결과, compressor blade 가 engine casing 과의 접촉으로 인해 파손된 것으로 밝혀냈다는 소식입니다.


그동안 내려졌던 비행중지 역시 해제가 되어 7월 22일부터 비행을 재개했다고 합니다.


이러한 결과에 대해서 MRH90 제작社 Eurocopter 역시 동의하면서, 이번 사고는 운용상에서 발생한 것이 아니라, 제작 및

설계 과정에서의 보완을 통해 동일한 사고를 방지할 것을 약속하는 취지의 서한을 호주 정부와 군측에 보냈다고 합니다.


약 3개월에 걸친 비행 중지로 인해, 호주 육군과 해군이 모두 46대를 구입하기로 하고 현재 11대가 도입된 상태에서, MRH90

교육훈련 일정에 있어서 다소간의 차질은 불가피 할 것으로 보입니다.


지난 7월 22일 호주 국방성이 발표한 MRH90 비행 재개 관련 발표문을 아래 붙입니다.




MSPA 310/10                                                                                                                   Thursday, 22 July 2010


MRH90 recommencement of flying operations

The Australian Defence Force (ADF) today announced that Multi Role Helicopters (MRH90s) will recommence flying operations later this week.

This follows an incident north of Adelaide in April this year where an MRH90 suffered an engine failure in one of its two main engines.

The Defence Materiel Organisation’s (DMO) Head Helicopter Systems Division, Rear Admiral Mark Campbell, stated that media reports alleging pilot error being a factor in the engine failure were incorrect.

“There is no suggestion of pilot error as alleged in one UK report,” Rear Admiral Campbell said.

Eurocopter CEO, Dr Lutz Bertling, has also written to the Minister for Defence Materiel and Science, Greg Combet to directly refute any suggestion that engine damage was caused by improper handling of the aircraft by ADF pilots.‪

Rear Admiral Campbell also said an inspection regime and preventative measures have been developed to lift the current flying suspension.

“I can confirm flying operations will commence shortly following approval by Defence’s Operational Airworthiness Authority.

“Extensive work has been conducted by Rolls Royce Turbomeca and our Industry partners with support from the Defence Science and Technology Organisation to identify the cause of the engine failure. 

“We are advised the failure resulted from compressor blade fracture due to contact with the engine casing.”

The impact of the engine failure combined with the workload to address some technical issues with this very capable but highly complex digital aircraft will delay the first flight at sea for Navy, which is now expected to occur in mid 2011.

The first Army capability objective of one deployable MRH90 troop will also be delayed.

Of the 46 MRH90 helicopters ordered for the Australian Navy and Army, 11 have been accepted and are being used for training and testing which contributes to the development of operational capability over the next few years.


Media contacts:

Defence Media Liaison:                                             (02) 6265 3343 or 0408 498 664



  ⓒ Australian Gov. DoD


  ⓒ Australian Gov. DoD