(제작사)/Boeing Co.

美 보잉社의 C-130 수송기 성능개량사업, Boeing C-130 AMP Production...

TRENT 2010. 6. 26. 21:42


美 보잉社가 C-130 수송기 성능개량사업 즉, C-130 AMP (Avionics Modernization Program) 사업을 미 공군으로 부터 수주

했다는 AW&ST 의 보도내용과, C-130 AMP 관련 자료를 아래 소개합니다.


C-130 AMP 사업의 주요내용은, CNS/ATM 장비 장착, Digital 항법장치 장착을 통한 2인 파일럿 체제 도입, 그리고 야간작전

능력 부여 등을 통한 안전성과 생존성을 향상시킨다는 것 입니다. 또한 1기당 장착되는 AMP Kit 의 가격은 약 7백만불 내외로

설명하고 있습니다.


아래 자료에서 언급되어지는 Boeing 방산사업부 Integrated Defense Systems (IDS) 는 Boeing Defense, Space & Security

(BDS) 로 명칭이 변경되었다는 점 참조바랍니다.


끝으로 C-130 Hercules 수송기는 Lockheed 社에서 (現 Lockheed Martin) 개발, 제작한 수송기인데, 성능개량사업은 경쟁사

Boeing 에서 담당한다고 하는 것이 한편으론 아이러니 하다 할 수 있겠습니다. 




Pentagon Approves C-130 AMP Production

AW&ST, Jun 25, 2010

By Robert Wall


ST. LOUISThe Pentagon has signed off on low-rate initial production of the C-130 Avionics Modernization Program (AMP), kicking off the installation of the first 20 kits.


The Pentagon is pursuing a mixed acquisition program owing to problems throughout the AMP program. Boeing, the incumbent contractor, will upgrade five C-130s with AMP under this phase, with Warner Robins Air Logistics Center performing 10 installations. The remaining five will be installed under a source familiarization program by a to-be-selected alternative contractor the government is bringing on because of Boeing’s program execution problems.


Boeing says the first two C-130Hs will be inducted into the upgrade program in August and October. The kits have already been delivered.


Full-rate production of the AMP program is planned for 2013. That should cover 198 C-130s. Warner Robins will install AMPs for about half the fleet, with a competition to be held between Boeing and the winner of the source familiarization program competition. Whether the winner will build the kits or just be responsible for the installations is not yet clear.


Planning also has begun for the phase 2 program, which covers the Air Force special operations C-130 versions. How many of those will be upgraded is currently in flux, with details to be spelled out in the Fiscal 2012 program objective memorandum; the original plan was for 166 aircraft, but it may now be down to 102.


Jeffrey McDaniel, the C-130 AMP business development manager, says international interest is on the rise now that the program has started to stabilize. Around 700 C-130s will need upgrades in the near future, McDaniel says, to meet new air traffic management requirements.