이스라엘 (Israel)

이스라엘의 F-35 JSF 도입관련 최근 소식...

TRENT 2010. 6. 2. 13:56


Flight International on-line 기사로 올라온 이스라엘의 F-35 JSF 도입관련 2가지 소식을 함께 소개합니다.


첫번째 기사는, 이스라엘 방산업체들이 JSF 에 장착 가능한 공대공 미사일과 대지공격용 폭탄을 자체개발

하고 있다는 내용입니다. 특히 국영 IMI 社가 개발하고 있는 MPR-500 폭탄에 대한 언급이 있어 매우 관심

이 가는 내용으로 생각됩니다.


그리고 두번째 기사는, 이스라엘 공군이 도입할 F-35 JSF 물량에 대한 검토를 본격적으로 하고 있다는 것

입니다. 이스라엘의 경우 약 80~100대 정도의 F-35 도입을 희망하는 것으로 알려져 있었습니다. 그러나

동 기사에 의하면, 무인기의 역할이 점차 확대되는 미래 전장 환경에서 유인기와 무인기의 통합 운용과정

에서 필요한 유/무인기의 운용비율에 대해서 검토를 하고 있다는 내용입니다. 이스라엘 역시 최종적으로

F-35 의 도입물량은 지금까지 알려진 것과는 달리 50여대 내외로 축소될 가능성을 언급하는 기사로 판단



한편 지금까지 진행되고 있는 이스라엘과 Lockheed Martin 과의 F-35 도입협상 내용도 소개하고 있는데,

도입물량을 먼저 다루었지만 기사의 핵심은 도입협상 내용으로 보여집니다.


즉, 1기당 도입가격, 이스라엘 방산업체 제작 항전장비의 자체 장착/운용 여부, 그리고 이스라엘 방산업체

에 떨어지는 대응구매(옵셋) 규모 등, 이 3가지가 도입협상 과정에서의 핵심적인 내용이라는 기사입니다.




DATE : 01/06/10

SOURCE : Flight International

Israeli industry reveals JSF weapons work

By Arie Egozi


Israeli defence companies are developing new weapon systems that will be carried by the Lockheed Martin F-35 Joint Strike Fighters operated by the nation's air force.


Rafael confirms that it is developing smaller versions of its Python-5 short-range and Derby beyond visual-range air-air missiles, to enable the munitions to be carried in the stealth fighter's weapon bays.


Israel Military Industries is also developing a new series of internally carried bombs for the F-35. So far, it has only unveiled the MPR-500, which will offer improved penetration and timed detonation.


Sharing the configuration of the Mk 82 500lb (226kg) general purpose bomb, the MPR-500 is made of specially hardened steel and has a single aft fuze. It also features a redesigned nose section to enable it to penetrate multi-layered targets, says an IMI source.


The combination of precision accuracy with a timed fuze has enabled the company to reduce the amount of explosive charge required in the bomb by 50%, the source adds.




DATE : 01/06/10

SOURCE : Flight International

Israel conducts study on size of F-35 fleet

By Arie Egozi


The Israeli air force is preparing a long-term forecast on its fleet requirements, as part of the decision process leading to its planned procurement of the Lockheed Martin F-35 Joint Strike Fighter.


In its forecast, the service will attempt to assess its needs for manned combat aircraft 30 years from now. The work is intended to determine whether it has a need for more than the 22-25 F-35s being eyed for purchase.


The air force's work will be based on the available assumptions about the future use of unmanned air vehicles. The pace at which it has introduced such systems into its operational fleet has increased constantly over recent years.


Meanwhile, negotiations between Israel and Lockheed about the proposed deal have reached a final stage. In a recent round of talks, the air force again emphasised that agreeing to an early delivery of the F-35 would have a "price".


In late May a senior defence source said: "The F-35 in the service of the Israeli air force will facilitate sales to other air forces. But the procurement from the first production batches has its problems. This should be reflected in the terms of the deal."


Negotiations between Israel and the USA now hinge on three main issues: the F-35's price; the number of Israeli-made systems which will be integrated with the fighter; and the level of offset that Israeli defence companies will get.