
美 Sikorsky 와 폴란드 PZL Mielec, S-70i Black Hawk 공개...

TRENT 2010. 3. 18. 18:52


폴란드 PZL Mielec 社가 S-70i Black Hawk 헬기를 조립 제작했다는 소식입니다. S-70i 는 美 Sikorsky 社가 유럽과 동구권을

대상으로 개발한 헬기로서, i 는 international 을 뜻한다고 합니다.


PZL Mielec 은 약 70 여년의 전통을 가진 폴란드를 대표하는 항공기 제작사 이며, 2007년 미국 Sikorsky 사가 인수를 했습니다.

이번 S-70i 의 생산은 PZL Mielec 으로써는 회전익기 분야에서는 최초로 생산하는 모델이기도 합니다. 그동안 PZL Mielec 은

전통적으로 고정익기만을 생산하여 왔으며, 폴란드에서 회전익기에 대한 제작은 Sokol 모델로 널리 알려진 PZL Swidnik 사가

담당하였습니다. PZL Swidnik 역시 금년 초 (2010년 1월) 이태리 Finmeccanica 계열 헬기제작업체 AgustaWestland 에 매각

되었습니다. 폴란드 입장에서는, 그동안 폴란드를 대표하는 항공기 제작 기업 2개사가 모두 해외로 매각되는, 자존심이 상하는

일이 벌어졌다고 할 수 있습니다.


한편 이번에 조립된 S-70i Black Hawk 는 금년 말 초도비행을 목표로 하고 있으며, 2012년부터 년간 20대 규모의 양산체제를

갖출 것이라고 합니다.


끝으로 약 2년여 전에 소개했던 PZL Mielec 의 해상초계기 개발 관련 글을 링크합니다.  --->  PZL M28B Bryza




Sikorsky And PZL Mielec In Poland Complete First S-70i Black Hawk

Helicopter News    03/16/2010


Sikorsky Aircraft Corp. [UTX] and PZL Mielec, its company in Poland, recently announced the completion of final assembly on the first S-70i™ BLACK HAWK helicopter, an international variant of the Black Hawk helicopter.


This new international variant is the first Black Hawk helicopter assembled in Europe using a global supply chain.


The helicopter, a new aircraft in the Sikorsky product line, also is the first rotor wing aircraft to be produced at PZL Mielec, a longtime fixed wing manufacturer in Poland.


The aircraft, fully assembled at PZL Mielec, will be tested and qualified at Sikorsky's Development Flight Center in West Palm Beach, Fla. Production flight tests are planned at PZL Mielec later this year as that facility continues to undergo modernization.


The milestone completion took place almost exactly three years to the day of PZL Mielec's acquisition.


"In just three years, PZL Mielec has become a world-class facility capable of producing one of the finest utility helicopters operating today, the BLACK HAWK helicopter," said Robert Kokorda, Sikorsky vice president, Corporate Strategy and Synergy. "The production of the S-70i Black Hawk helicopter here is expected to further the growing network of Polish companies participating in the building of Black Hawk aircraft for the world."


PZL Mielec is planned to be the centerpiece of the S-70i BLACK HAWK helicopter program for international customers. Debra Zampano, S-70i program manager, International Military Programs, said, "Our innovative company spirit is alive and well, and the S-70i Black Hawk helicopter is an example of the collaboration of superb workmanship, advanced technology and pioneering legacy. With the S-70i Black Hawk helicopter officially joining the Sikorsky product family today, we look forward to seeing this aircraft take its rightful place in the global community as a Black Hawk helicopter for all nations."


Plans call for approximately 20 S-70i BLACK HAWK helicopters to be produced per year, beginning in 2012.


Janusz Zakrecki, president of PZL Mielec added, "As we witness the unveiling of the first Black Hawk helicopter built in Poland, we are sharing the pride in this significant milestone as it signals the important contributions of PZL Mielec to the global aerospace marketplace. This aircraft is a product of the long line of Black Hawk helicopters that have become the most battle-proven helicopter in the world. As we continue in this tradition, Mielec today takes a major step in leading Poland's aerospace industry into the future, with a proven aircraft that is ready to meet Polish requirements and enhance European military helicopter fleets."



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