11월 24일 로이터 통신은, 미국은 F-35 JSF 의 소프트웨어 코드를 영국을 포함한 개발참여국들에게 공개/제공하지 않을 거라는
보도를 한 바 있습니다. ---> US keep the source code
여기에 대해서 영국 국방성은 현재까지 JSF 개발과정에서 순조로운 협력이 이루어지고 있으며, F-35 source codes 에 대해서는
향후 필요한 시점이 되면 충분히 제공받을 수 있다는 내용의 보도자료를 7일(월) 로이터 통신에 보냈다는 기사입니다.
F-35B, BF-04 (© Lockheed Martin)
Reuters News 12/07/2009
Author: Rhys Jones
(C) Reuters Limited 2009.
LONDON, Dec 7 (Reuters) - Britain is confident it will receive software code that controls Lockheed Martin Corp's new radar-evading F-35 fighter jet, despite the United States' insistance that it will keep the data to itself.
"The Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) is progressing well and the UK currently has the JSF data needed at this stage of the programme, and is confident that in future we will continue to receive the data needed to ensure that our requirements for operational sovereignty will be met," Britain's Ministry of Defence said in a statement sent to Reuters on Monday.
"This remains the basis of the agreements reached with the
The Pentagon last month said it would keep to itself the so-called source code, the key to the F-35's electronic brains, despite requests from co-development partners --
Access to the technology had been publicly sought by
The single-engine F-35 is in early stages of production. It is designed to escape radar detection and switch quickly between air-to-ground and air-to-air missions while still flying -- processes heavily dependent on its 8 million lines of onboard software code.
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